Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Kate Smith, America's Song Bird of the South, Debuts on Stamp at Lincoln Memorial 5/27/10

Kate Smith took center stage on a U.S. postage stamp as on of the nation's most popular female singers. The U.S. postal Service and the United States Army celebrated the life and legacy of renowned singer and Washington, DC, native Kate Smith, who was immortalized on a new 44-cent U.S. postage stamp. The U.S. Army Band & Sergeant First-Class Leigh Ann Hinton performed "God Bless America". Guest speakers included Dr. Joseph W. Westphal, Under Secretary of the Army and sports and entertainment executive Louis C. Scheinfeld. Present were Lt. Col. Lee Packnett, Brigadier General Lew Boone, Postmaster General John Potter & Exec. Director USPS David Failor

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